
.LANDER KHADEL fashionably interviewed.

While I was in London I caught up with upcoming artist LANDER KHADEL who is a really cool fashionate friend of mine. Something about me is I never waste no time so after all the catch up I injected him with some questions and turned them into an Interview. Here we go;

1.    Lander Khadel, describe yourself in a few fashionate words.

Refreshing, different & universal

2.    What drove you to doing music?

Always feeling that I had a special connection with music. I mean being surrounded by great music from a young age helped me to dream more. As I started writing I’d get a feeling of a warm and welcoming sensation (I must sound crazy right now haa). I thought that the music I made sounded good and I guess I just wanted people to hear it

3.    Any artists in particular that inspires you?

I'm inspired by so many artists, most notably; Janelle Monae, N.E.R.D., Lupe Fiasco, Pharell Williams & Amel Larrieux

4.    I love your lyrics, do you write them yourself?

Thank you and yes I write all of the songs 100% by myself

5.    Your mix-tapes are called “WORLD PEACE & FAST CARS”, why?

It's a phrase that encapsulates what my friends & I want. You know, there's a lot of bad things going on in our world but we just want peace. Most people want to be happy; I’m no different to them. If we had fast cars it'd be cool cause we could travel and have fun

6.    I have heard both your mix-tapes and for your interest I’m in love with the 2nd one, what do other people think about it?

Thank you, really appreciate it! All of the people I have talked to about it, like it, I haven't had one negative review. This is surprising because it takes a lot to impress people nowadays, there's so much good music they could listen to instead of me! I put more thought into the 2nd and it makes me happy to think my music is on people's iTunes playlists or mobile phones. That's dope! 

7.    I have watched few of your videos and they’re good. Should we expect more videos?

Thanks again, a friend of mine once said ''I’m too black to blush'' ha. Don't Cry was the 1st video from the 'World Peace & Fast Cars 2' and Reece Ewing (Hype Williams creative director) shot 'Can You Glide' a month ago. 'Clap like an OG' will be filmed by Conic Vision this month with 'We Go Up', 'Ze Ca$h' & 'Don't Let It Down' being released later on in the year. Visuals are just as important to me as the music, you can all expect nothing but dopiness

8.    I have been checking your style out for a long time, are you fashionably driven as well?

I don't actively follow fashion but if I see something I’ll like I’ll definitely pick it up. Fit is very important to me, if the fits not right the garment will be wrong for me. Ichiban clothing is my favourite clothing brand at the moment, they've got the best fits out hands down and they're designs are clean and clever

9.    What’s the latest trend you feeling right now?

I don't see myself as trendy but I see a lot of people rocking snap backs now. This is a good thing because in the cap, in my opinion, they've got the best shape. Again it's all about the ''fit''

10.  What’s your take on FASHIONAIRE-256?

It's a great site I log on every day and I’m probably a big contributing factor to its number of views haaa. I post the site on my twitter, if you want to get fre$h you've got to hit it up

11.  Okay, we right at the end of the interview but before we wrap it, stand up tell us a joke please.

Okay I’ll give you a funny lyric: ''Blind people feel me, I keep it brail'' and if someone puts this in a song I’ll sue you, TWICE!!

Much Peace.

·         Hahahahaa thanks for your time big boy.

For more information about Lander check out LanderKhadel.com, facebook: Lander Khadel or follow him on twitter @lander_khadel